What is a Salon

Queen Salon Ladies

Beautiful Queen Salon Ladies

“Salon” (from the French, 1699): 1. An elegant drawing room or apartment; 2. A fashionable assemblage of notables; 3. A gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation (commonly associated with French and English literary/philosophical movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, carried on until quite recently in urban settings among like-minded people). ~from Webster’s Dictionary and Wikipedia


“Queen”:  A woman eminent in rank and power; the highest of her kind.  ~from Webster’s Dictionary and Wikipedia



What Is a Queen Salon?

A Queen Salon® is a safe and sacred space for you, as a graduate of PAX’s Celebrating Women/Queen’s Code for Life/Being Extraordinary as a Woman workshop, to be supported and nurtured in your life as a Queen.  Salons are about YOU and how you learn, practice, and embody your best self every day. They are led by a trained facilitator who empowers you to learn from and grow with your sister queens.  The power of the Salons is in that WE are the source of wisdom and learning:  we all have experiences and insights that contribute immeasurably to ourselves and our sisters.

At the bi-weekly, monthly, or seasonal meetings we explore, learn, and grow with each other as we refine, enhance, and increase queenly practices in our daily lives. The result? We are transforming the way we relate to ourselves, other women, and men. Through the ripple effect, we are shifting individuals, families, work places, and communities to be more empowered, authentic, receptive, and communicative. We do this by being our “best selves”, supporting true partnerships among women and between women and men, and utilizing the transformational information of  PAX, as well as by other sources of wisdom. The effects have been very real and very powerful!

So, in a nutshell, Salons are…

Regular bi-weekly, monthly, or seasonal meetings that

  • discuss and explore PAX material
  • share personal triumphs and challenges
  • strengthen the participants’ abilities to honor themselves, their men, and their realms.

Casual venues for

  • wise conversation
  • profound growth
  • glorious “aha” moments
  • tons of laughter
  • sistership with other Queens


How It All Started

In 2010, Fiona Nagle founded the first Queen Salon group in West Los Angeles for women of all ages and backgrounds.  Her purpose was to connect with like-minded women for mutual support, transformational learning, growth, and grounding.  In the early days there was a lot of experimentation with what worked well and what needed improvement to have a really great group experience.  It was most definitely an evolutionary process in which many wonderful women contributed their wisdom, experience, and gifts in developing the format and functioning of the Salons.  Women were inspired by the success of this first group and Salons burst forth all up and down the West Coast, with inquiries coming in from all across the US and Canada.  The West Los Angeles group continues to hold its regular meetings for local Queens and welcomes visiting Queens as well.


All pages and materials ©2020